We can't handle the truth : January 2016


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

S.E.T.I Director announces!: WE DIDN'T FIND SHIT!

So here's the debate. What is the more logical concept to follow if you wanted to look for              extraterrestrials?  The S.E.T.I. program or Ufology? Now most people would laugh at that
question and immediately say SETI without a second thought. that's one of our biggest problems, we don't give it a thought. but what would happen if we did? let's find out. The director of the SETI program seth shostok and modern day Ufologist are both  looking for the existence of extraterrestrials?

let's try to compare the two: first it is a common belief that the SETI program is looking for living extraterrestrial intelligence, somebody hopefully we might be able to communicate with. However this is not the case. At the most all seti  can do is simply tell us that extraterrestrials with our capabilities might have existed in the past. It cannot prove whether or not we are alone in the universe. We  I've listened to a lot of the stars in our local vicinity which yielded no results. the famous Wow signal came from the Sagittarius constellation
but because the system is made up of galaxies and stars is it is impossible to tell how far away the signal came from.I think there's one important factor people are forgetting. Something that is one light year away in distance  is also one year back in time. meaning at a minimum the WoW signal would have originated around 5000 years ago to  3.6 million years ago. so if we were to pick up a signal it would essentially be impossible to tell if the species who sent it still existed. well could it at least help for predicting that there are multiple aliens throughout the universe then since we were able to hear one of them?  the answer is No.because you could not pin down separate timelines for when these different civilizations existed.in theory you could say that there's only one intelligent species in the universe at any one time. that is the limitation of the seti  program. let's look at some other interesting facts about seti. Seti uses large arrays of radio telescopes to listen to the stars on the assumption that extraterrestrials would use the same technology as we do. meaning we create radio waves that we can listen to  so aliens might   create radio waves that we can listen to.
 . well that seems rather plausible until you realize that's where they stop. now we today build rocket ships and satellites and sent probes to other planets. we create crafts that can be occupied by humans or computers which will be sent to explore other planets  to gather data and analyze it. This concept apparently makes no sense to seth  and the rest of seti. I wonder how many years it took to convince him the moon landing was real?  Also by using seths logic we didn't just beat every other country to the moon We also beat every other alien civilisation that has ever existed in a race to their own moon. Nobody  is more advanced then we are , if aliens do exist they will not have a greater understanding of physics and math.than we do  plus they simply cannot get here from there they are bound by the speed of light.
Even though special relativity does allow you to bend spacetime   and in essence pull your destination closer to you to you. But because we have not created a device that could accomplish that yet it  proves aliens couldn't of done it either!   This is the mindset of the seti program  Now let's look @ Ufology . Ufologist not only believe extraterrestrials might be as intelligent  as we are but far greater than us. Ufologist don't just listen to the stars but they look as well. Let's compare evidence. Both seti and ufology started pretty close to each other around the 1950s first ufology then seti . What  kind of evidence do ufologist have to back up their theories?  Well there a are millions of witnesses world wide hundreds of thousands of photos and video tapes radar case's and a 20 year long investigation by the air force and CIA.  Not to mention 3 Presidents and countless experts and academics have also claimed sightings.

So what evidence does seti have ? The wow signal! it lasted 72 seconds and had almost the exact same frequency as hydrogen  and was never heard again. WOW fucking amazing!!! how anybody could continue the same method when searching  for E.T.'s even though it has never produced a single shred of evidence to suggest that it  works  in  55 years WOW! Now you tell me what would you think if I stood outside all day and all night looking for ufos 24/7 and never even seen one ufo even one time  how long do you think it would it take before I tried a different approach? ...55 years?? LOL

 What about you? how long before you'd be willing to try something else?. Seth says he needs to feel the piece of the UFO before he knows it's real. he claims pictures and video tape are also not good enough. He says there is no physical evidence that they exist other than visual observations. Let me pose a question to our skeptic. How do you know jupiter is real?

There is no physical proof that it does? unless your willing to believe that we have some samples of jupiter laying around you have to agree there is no physical evidence for the existence of jupiter. However we know it exist through our observations . The fact is this people . If we continue to support the direction seti is still going we will only add time on to our metaphorical "CONTACT CLOCK" . True it took Edison 1000 different attempts  before he created the light bulb. But it didn't take 55 years now did it?  All SETI strategies may be termed "purposive" or "non-purposive," depending on the assumption of alien motivation made by the human searcher. Purposive strategies presume that intelligent extraterrestrials (ETs) are now trying to contact us or gain our attention. If only we look in the right direction at the correct time in the proper way, we'll find them. Non-purposive strategies make the presumptive either that the ETs are hiding from us or that they really don't care one way or he other. If we find them at all, it will be purely by accident.civilizations are "powered" by energy. The maximum technical achievement to which any society may aspire ultimately is fixed by the artificial energy sources which that society controls. A civilization might not live up to its full theoretical potential for one reason or another, but as long as the energy is available the potential remains.a particularly useful classification scheme which subsumes all conceivable extraterrestrial cultures, based on gross measures of total power utilization. A full Type I civilization has available to it all planetary energy resources (sunlight, oceanic deuterium, magmatic heat, and so forth), which many scientists agree probably cannot be released faster than about 10" joules/second without causing irreversible damage to planetary ecologies. Mankind, with present aggregate technological power output ~ 10
SETI strategies also may be grouped according to the physical means of communication. So far as we know, all information must be carried on markers of energy or matter . Thus interstellar communication can occur by exchanging data borne either on massless packets of energy (e.g., photons, neutrinos) or on massive packets of matters (e.g., artifacts, probes, ships).11 watts, is still but an emergent Type I society. A mature Type II culture, such as a "Dyson Sphere" of orbiting habitats, industrial artifacts, or "space colonies"  might have available to it the entire power output of its home sun. For typical F-K stars, this is perhaps 1026 watts. Finally, a fully-developed Type III galactic civilization, an organization comprising billions of inhabited or colonized stellar systems, might command the power output of an entire galaxy, about 1037 watts. It is against this backdrop of unimaginably powerful cultures that questions of interstellar communication techniques are most properly posed. Now if we had a man like Robert A. Freitas jr running SETI imagine what we would already know?


Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Seth Shotak is the director of the S.E.T.I.  program to search for signs of intelligent life but doesn't believe in the possibility of U.F.O.'s?so called critical thinkers also use to think the earth was flat! However people who are too open minded are willing to accept any answer that  fascinates them the most. Right or wrong is irrelevant .It's our open mind that blinds us it's A negative  effect that makes us  susceptible to fear mongering control and angelic rescue beliefs . The first step is probably the hardest but it's absolutely the most important one when it comes to breaking this cycle                                                   1:Admitting your wrong.                                                                                                                                                        It's sounds easy enough but rest assured you will battle to defend what you think is the truth even when your only evidence is a rumor spread by fear. or a light in the sky. Simply because there is a possibility you could be correct it changes into you are correct and everyone else is wrong. DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. Accept the fact that you may be wrong. Understand mistakes will be made by everybody even you .Your not perfect nobody is it DOESN'T make you stupid or prevent you from being right in the future. fact it's just the opposite. When you can do this the open mind turns into a positive and a useful tool. And the intelligence you gain from this grows at a rate that you can not compare. And understanding the truth is far more valuable than you know. It might not be what you want to believe but it's the ability to let go of that mind set that matters. There is no need to pick sides in divisions of society. You only need to understand them. religious or atheist, skeptic or believer, democrat or republican, Ect... When you have the knowledge of both sides you simply move beyond them and they become of no consequence. It's confusing I know but it's the only way to get past it. I'm  not  going to give you some esoteric bullshit about spiritual beings  and traveling to other dimensions and how they're all here to help us  ascend. Or callus abductions by the greys or reptilians conspiring with the government in underground bases bullshit. Don't fall for any of it. If you start yelling  "the sheeple need to wake up" it's only a message to yourself. Your the one falling for it.  Doubt me then understand it's a subconscious thought that your projecting instead of reflecting. The skeptic and the believer are both blind in one eye but together they see everything. We need both sides for it was the open minded critical thinker that truly discovered the earth was round.
so called critical thinking skeptics are not the correct path to follow if you want real answers? that's easy. Because these
Why? he certainly believes in intelligent life but assumes they could not possibly be more advanced than us or have a better understanding of physics than we do? This is the problem that people have without even realizing it. People can be convinced something is true without having to experience it themselves. This is perfectly normal and a necessary tool for human survival. But it does prevent you from acquiring the actual answers.
Being a critical thinking skeptic or an extremely open minded believer results in the same outcome their smarter because their rational observations make perfect sense by using pure logic and reason. And I tend to agree But as an example as to why these
A critical thinker assumes the answer is already known and thus prevents them from searching for the truth. They think