We can't handle the truth : February 2016


Friday, February 12, 2016

He said: "I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU WHEN YOU DIE" as crazy as it sounds I believe him

A good friend of mine told me something that changed my life forever. he told me he knows what happens to you after you die. I smiled and agreed politely with the thought that everybody else has their own ideas on what happens to you when you die but nobody has ever figured it out.  until he told me his story. My world collapsed and I knew he was right,  this is his narrative: a couple minutes after midnight I'm laying in bed with my girlfriend when all of a sudden it hit me. I had a major seizure which I have had several times before but this one seemed different. normally during a seizure, you drift back into your mind and watch through your eyes as your body moves uncontrollably. you no longer have any control over your body like a prisoner trapped inside your own mind looking out. however this time was different I seem to be stuck between the seizure and had some limited control over my limbs and speech . and I mean very limited I could hear myself and see myself in the mirror in our room I was moving and shaking and talking like a robot that was malfunctioning. my girlfriend was so scared she had no idea what to do.  she looked at me and said "baby are you okay" then all of a sudden she started to repeat the same line over and over again "baby are you okay"baby are you okay"baby are you okay"  then somehow my attention was drawn to the Digital clock  the time said 12:12 and then I died...                                                                    
 a vertical line in the center of my vision ripped apart the universe. and as it ripped apart what laid behind it appeared  to be this black and white static. I was dead.
terrified at the fact that this was what would happen. that this was an eternity, my mind screamed realizing nothing could hear
me there was nothing else. just me and the static for all time. 

after this realization kicked in and the terror took over and consumed me. I missed everyone and everything. after a while, I had no choice but to accept this and I began to give myself over to the static. now that I was calmer. Was I able to realize one good thing? and that was the fact that I was able to realize anything at all. I still had my thoughts. I still had my memories. so I thought back to the time when I was a kid playing in my backyard in a creek and as I forced the memory through my eyes opened up and I was there. my body the world around me everything was back I could feel touch taste. I quickly thought about something else another time when I was older and instantly I was physically there. I was as real as you are right now. only it was generated through my memory through my thoughts so during the memory I try to change my mind about something and instantly I watched as it changed around me. then the realization came I exploded out of my memory 
and raced towards space I kept expanding as I watched our solar system shrink in the distance.

the only thing I could do was laugh like I never laughed before the answer was right there the whole time. we always knew it we never said it, though. there was no me. There was no I. There is only us. My 
body, my family,  the earth, held no more relevance  than an individual blood cell every person I thought about I had become. I experience their entire life from beginning to the end. every human every alien every conscious thought that has ever existed or will ever exist was mine. And with that, I made a choice to come back. instantly the life sprouting back into my limp body on the floor scaring the shit out of my crying girlfriend. as I released out a laugh like do. Frankenstein after he created a monster. for the first time ever I knew who I truly was. And you're probably wondering Who am I?   I'm YOU...... and WE ARE GOD

You're not gonna kill me right?

 if you made it this far and actually read the whole thing thank you. I have one little favor  to ask could you please comment on here or g+ and leave the number 7 somewhere in your comment or just the number 7 so I can see how many people actually read the whole thing  thanks you guys

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Enter: The City Of The Gods by benemund3 ancient alien.

  Teotihuacan, located in the highlands of central Mexico, is one of the world's most impressive archaeological cites. Among 100,000 and 200,000 people lived there at its peek around 600 AD, making it one of the ancient world's largest cities with an urban core covering some 20 square kilometers.
The ethnic identity of Teotihuacan's inhabitants are not known. No writing system has been discovered there, even in the intricate iconography of its many painted murals. How does of this sized the city has been able to manage without writing skills.

The ancient city's layout appears to be a precise scale model of the Milky Way including Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus as discovered by Hugh Harleston Jr. in his research.
Did you find this a sheer coincidence? Such a role requires precise knowledge of the formula solar system. But what about this happened? It has been suggested theories, two cane, and snippet of rope. There is also a need for long-term monitoring of the sky.
Rather hopeless trick. Would it be possible to map the our solar system would have been obtained the gods of heaven.
Three pyramids make create the city's foundation - The Pyramid of the Sun, Moon, and of the Feathered Serpent Kukulcan who is also known as Quetzalcoatl. The configuration of step pyramids in Teotihuacan, strikingly resemble same celestial alignment found in Giza, matching the constellation Orion.
Teotihuacan was built as the cosmic timekeeper. One can only imagine what sort of mind was the metropolis of Teotihuacan. Who set up this city and how to stay a long time to be elucidated?
Ancient Aliens are a theory also known as the Ancient Astronaut Theory which suggests through undetermined evidence that ancient aliens have had passed communication, influence, and guidance with Earth's ancient cultures/civilizations. Proof of the Ancient Aliens Theory (Ancient astronaut Theory) lies in many of the large ancient civilizations like the Mayas, Ancient Egypt, Incas, Sumerians, Chinese, Greek, Aztecs and many more.
Through careful examination of all ancient civilizations' recorded history. Ancient Astronaut Theorists continue to seek the answers for the bewildering questions about the possibility that. Ancient Aliens had a direct influence on the emergence of our human race and the civilizations that we know today. At this point, we believe that more questions are brought about by the Ancient Aliens theory than answers but nonetheless,

we continue researching and seeking answers for better understand weather or not Ancient Aliens truly visited our ancestors and helped propel our civilization into the modern age.