We can't handle the truth


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

  1. I struggle with the thought of a trump / clinton race. So this is what it has come too? The end of democracy? We've allowed this to happen by our own individual greed . Is Money worth more than the soul of our country?Clinton is bought and paid for by rich corporate billionaires
     and trump is a rich corporate   billionaire who buys politicians. What the fuck is wrong with us? We have the greatest candidate to ever run for president, but instead you let the media and corporate America convince you that  sanders  is not electable. Everyone who supports     bernie have one thing in common?we did our own research.  no      news channel, no propaganda ,no hear say. we   simply looked at the facts and all  came to the same     conclusion. This man is not only the best kind of candidate. He's the best kind of man. I didn't   think people like him even existed. he is a  better man  than I could ever hope to be. But our entire government is only there for one thing. MONEY.
    They dont want to get elected because they care about this country. The want money and power thats it. But bernie is different. He truly doesn't care about money. He only cares about other people. And although he has always  stood alone he has also stood for the weak who could not stand. He spoke for the ones who could not speak. he fought for those who could not fight! He has been the lone voice in congress
     and the  Senate standing up for the right thing. He told everyone not to deregulate wall.st in fear of an epic financial collapse.
    He begged the senate and the president not  to invade a country that has not   attacked us as a pre emptive strike to what they might try to do to us  in the future with weapons   they don't have. He was worried it would destabilize that country and bring about extremist groups fighting for control.  
    He screamed when the supreme  court ruled in  favour of citizens united . but as usual his cries fell on ears so stuffed with cash they can't even hear the price they agreed on. This entire race is is centered around bernie sanders and people who get all their news  from  mainstream media have no clue about this. So allow me to explain. No candidate was talking about    money corrupting  politics or single payer health insurance  or free tuition for school. Ending the NSA's ability to spy on us. Breaking up the big banks. And making the corporations pay their fair share(as of now they pay 0 and still get million dollar tax refunds)

     but as soon as word spread that their was this man actually telling the truth. With the best voting record in the Senate and a background cleaner than a preachers sheets on sunday. Every time they fish for dirt on  him he always comes out clean. Hell, he's even got clean dirt. I call it clirt.
    This got ever body worked up on both sides. And now whatever their platform was before is now over. they all have a new platform  now. Bernie's  platform. So of course hillary and trump jumped on that as soon as they could. But now their acting like it was them who started this platform like it was their plan and people believe it because they are told to believe it.  but the media does every sneaky thing it can to down play it but that is the truth. Think about it 15 million individual contributions has never been done before.  15 million, but the media downplays it. The largest crowd in campaign history (100,000)
    the media downplays it. the biggest upset in primary history and the media downplays it.  The future looks dark but Bernie's so bright I got to wear shades.

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