We can't handle the truth : 2016


Sunday, July 24, 2016

20,000,000 dollar coffin?

The Serapeum in Saqqara Egypt holds a puzzle as great as the pyramids themselves. However. At least with the pyramids, there are a couple suggestions on its possible construction methods. But the serapeum has none. Zero! Not a single theory has ever been speculated to describe the incredible feats that were achieved in connection with the serapeum.
First, let's start with the amazing 24 giant granite sarcophagi found within. They line the long corridor of the serapeum tucked into their own separate hollows. They measure 4 meters long 2 1/2 meters tall  and wide roughly. They consist of solid stone box carved from a single piece of granite along with a lid to match also craved from a single piece of granite A feat today that is impossible even with modern machines.
We could only make the box from separate pieces then bolt them together. And if one were so inclined if you wanted a box made from separate pieces of granite sent from the stone quarry in Aswan to Saqqara 500 miles away       the cost of the materials, man hours and shipping would be close to 20,000,000 dollars.  The boxes are so perfect in their construction that the walls are to 2/10,000th of an inch flat. And after polishing, it gave them a mirror-like reflection.
The lids are so perfectly flat and level with the top of the box that they are in fact air tight! Meaning if you were too drop the lid on top and it didn't break, it would force the air out of the box creating a vacuum inside! (for you kids that means you could drop a hammer and a feather inside it and they would hit the ground at the same time:) together they have a combined weight of 80 tons!
So we already find a manufacturing method of an indescribable nature. Now we find a transportation method of the same. It's one thing to argue man power, levers, jacks, pulleys, rollers, or cranes when it comes to temples or pyramids. But it's another when its underground and these options become obsolete. There was a modern attempt to move one of the smaller stone boxes  but failed after a meter or so. the box still sits in the middle of the corridor forcing tourists to  squeeze by.
 Then comes the date. the serapeum is said to date from the 18th dynasty with Amenhotep lll  the new kingdom circa 1388-1350 BCE. Now how did they reach this date?  from a papyrus from the king ordering the     construction additional rooms to the catacombs. to bury an Apis bull. Which is what the accepted belief is for when it comes to what are the boxes for? that being sarcophagi for the sacred animal

. but when we look at the design and materials used in sarcophagi you find the designs of  the 18th dynasty do not match. At that time the designs were anthropomorphic showing the look of the mummy  inside. made from wood ,limestone, and terra cotta. but plain solid granite  sarcophagi date from early and predynastic Eygpt? and the fact that no mummies were found inside the giant boxes . there were some other sarcophagi found inside where Amenhotep ordered their construction. but there was only one bull  inside a wooden sarcophagus. in the kneeling position and the box matched the size. So what's the egyptologist explanation for this? well, it was robbed. Really? Did it have gold and diamonds?     No... What did it have?.  Well, it had a real heavy lid and a dead fucking bull.                                          
That's what they expect us to believe. once again tomb raiders and grave robbers broke in moved the lid's that we can't move today and stole the mummified remains of an Apis bull then moved some of the lids back in place and on their way out decided to completely seal off the entrance with gigantic stones so large that we used dynamite to open it in modern times. WTF??? There was one stone box that had not been opened its outside was very rough-hewn stone. As we broke through the side of the rough granite wall of the box we found it was completely empty? So that doesn't make sense already but if you keep going it gets even weirder.
Because the inside of that stone box we still get the measurements of 2/10,000th of an inch flat with mirror like finish.
How the hell does that make any sense at all? It was sealed?why was the inside finished? It appears to be one giant boulder of granite with the top portion sliced off then the bottom hollowed out and the top put back on making a perfect seal
  So what's that leave us with? another case of "Occam's Idiot" sorry that was a typo I mean            "Occam's Razor" The simplest answer tends to be the right one? Now Usually we use two thought processes. Theories and common sense to reach conclusions in archeology. However, egyptology only seems to need one of these to reach a conclusion.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Osiris, lord of the dead, The foremost of westerner's, He who is permanently benign and youthful,  God of the afterlife,  people call him by many different names. But the one thing we don't call him is real.  Today we consider him only a myth. But what did the ancient Egyptians consider him?. The first Pharaoh. From the first time called "Zep Tepi" A time before Egypt existed  this Godking  descended from the stars and taught man the knowledge of civilization.  And ruled over the humans that worshiped him. In fact ,the entire Egyptian culture is a         copy of his style. All pharaohs attempted to  mimic his look. the crown , the beard , the crook and flail and so on. The only thing they  couldn't copy was his dark green skin
 retold the story of Osiris.                 The first day: a fake battle takes place.  Osiris is killed 

The second day : the procession would take his body  on the Nile to his tomb. 
The third day: he is mourned and his enemies are destroyed.
The forth day : prayers and vigils are held.
The fifth day : he is resurrected. 
So what can we take from this? Well, i would think it would be the details.  It seems awfully specific for a pure myth. But probably the most interesting part is his  tomb.  Why does he even have a tomb?  No other gods have a tomb ? Tell me. Have you ever heard of the tomb of RA? or the tomb of Anubis ? maybe the tomb of Horus ? No of course not.  But there are a number of different places thought to be the tomb of Osiris. Because   these places can not be explained through the standard chronology of Egypt they resort to the last weapon of defense. myths, symbols, or magic. But lets look at the evidence. first, we have the Osirion in Abydos.  
once believed to be from Seti l however most people and Egyptologist realize this would be impossible. The Osirion is over 5  meters deeper than the surrounding temples. but was an above ground temple when it was built. And it's 
constructed of perfectly smooth megalithic size blocks of rose granite. There are no other temple's made with that style or material.  Besides the fact that the Osirion  is below the water level in the ground. meaning it is forever flooded. Every season it fills with water and must be pumped out continuously. which i could see  causing a problem for anyone cutting and lifting  20-ton  blocks of granite into place with absolute perfection. 

 Also, seti l clearly states he was   renovating  the Osirion not building it. So that would mean it was already there buried for thousands of years. At a time before the water table reached it.  But this place does not contain any hieroglyphs anywhere. Nor does it contain a sarcophagus. but there is another place called the tomb of Osiris. and it's mysteries are even more baffling. It's  located under the temple of the sphinx . Not the sphinx itself. But close enough to be of significance and possible relations.  
The tomb is off limits to all visitors even Egyptologist.  The head of antiquities at the time Dr. zahi Hawass had granted limited access  one day to show the world live on t.v.(which of course netted them millions of dollars and the boost of tourist they so desperately needed at the time do to the  ongoing violence)  this incredible   rediscovery of the tomb. That's right rediscovery it had been found  years ago  in 1935 And somehow forgotten which makes perfect sense. I mean what's so important about a one of a kind tomb buried under the sphinx  containing the giant sarcophagus of the first god-king? Obviously nothing. That's why its completely off limits and not even one permit is available  to apply for research.  probably to prevent anyone with half a peanut brain from asking questions.                               But today were going full peanut! and asking the questions no one even gets a chance to ask.
   As you can see from the illustration above the tomb consists of three descending chambers connected by vertical shafts.The first chamber appears to be a staging room for it contains  nothing. The second chamber has  6 hollows holding giant granite stone sarcophagi and the entrance to the third chamber.                                                                                        Nearly 100ft underground you reach the third chamber. Containing  only  1 sarcophagus surrounded by  4 pillars at each corner  submerged in a pool of water. Now let's ask those questions and see if their answers make sense. 
 Are their any hieroglyphs?....No. 
Were their any mummies found ?.... No .
So what was this place for?..... it's a symbolic  tomb , not an actual tomb.
That is their actual answer I swear I'm not making this up.  Now for the difficult part. How big is  the sarcophagus in the bottom chamber? well, it's over nine feet long made from solid granite. The lid alone weighs 11 to 12 tons 

 A sarcophagus that size should contain smaller sarcophagi in the side but it does not.                     They claim it was a place to come pray to the God Osiris. so how did they get down there to pray? there were no ladders or ropes inside plus they would have had a torch  or tiny oil lamp in one hand even if they had ladders installed. So how did they get the sarcophagi in there? Well this is what they say:  After they cut all these chambers out of the solid bedrock by hand they filled it back up with sand then cut side shafts then put the sarcophagus on top of the sand then they removed the sand from the side shafts and the coffin slowly came down one scoop of sand at a time .

 All right that might be the dumbest theory I've ever heard in my-my life. But as usual, they fall back on Occam' s rusty dull dollar general  razor to answer these questions.  if it's not a simple concept then it cants be true. Because these were simple people who could not conceive any thing  above a third-grade level. And did not have the knowledge or means to do anything more. which seems funny when even the simple stuff they did was far superior to our own modern understanding and ability. Like putting the lid on the sarcophagus, which would have had to been put on after the bottom was already in place.  well, dr  zahi how asshole  makes you think they lifted the 12-ton lid up to see what was inside.  they show the lid with a bunch of rope and chains wrapped around it attached to a pulley and claimed they lifted it. However the evidence clearly shows they did not move it and in fact could not move it.

 As you can plainly see it was never moved an inch. Well, that's not exactly true. they did manage to move it a little bit. Only it was in the wrong direction. after raising it just enough to spin it to position to try and add braces and hydraulic jacks underneath it, it fell back into the pool.

These photos were taken 5 years after the pictures above.  below is the brace that the believed would hold 12 tons.

    Well they were wrong:)                                                                                                                            I hope you enjoyed  my blog , if you did please subscribe, like , share:)                                          if not that's ok simply calm down, bend over, take two deep breaths and stick your head up your ass see if that helps:)         alright see ya next time thank you

Friday, April 22, 2016


Independent voter restrictions have destroyed both parties. so now which of the independents will be our next president?

Alright, lets just make this perfectly clear so everybody can understand: Dems 29% Reps 26% independents 44% of registered voters. Neither republicans or democrats can win without there support. I 've been a registered democrat since my 18th birthday. I've worked with and campaigned for the DNC and every major nominee in government and my local party members . So I understand probably more than I should about what goes on with the elites of the parties Clinton has spent her time this past couple of years doing favours and funding campaigns of certain democratic positions. Not the person but the position. Now it's no secret the parties top elites like making money and are sometimes willing to do stuff for that money they know is wrong. However in politics, it's different because in the end most would trade all the money plus some to gain more power. That is the real prestige is. Unfourtentliy Hillary overstepped her bounds when she took it to the point of helping to determine who she would be running against in the democratic primaries. Of course, they picked the 3 most unelectable democrats they could think of plus even one independent just to help sway independent voters to our side. Everybody knew this even Bernie sanders. But nobody could have predicted that the independents would declare him their unofficial candidate. Only I repeat ONLY because of democratic rules and regulations does Hillary seem to be beating Bernie sanders . if the other 3.4 million voters in new york who wanted to vote and would have been allowed to there is no question who would win. Every top party member is thinking the same thing right now."do we accept and regret our half loaf and keep our power ? Or do we gamble and risk our power and half loaf for a full loaf?" It means their days of big money are at an end. They might hate it but they are not republicans meaning they're not stupid. they're going to keep their half loaf and nice seats of power and throw their support behind Bernie Sanders. Thats what matters in the general election. We are riding a sinking ship with Hillary. We either nominate Bernie Sanders or lose the democratic party altogether. The Democrats must stand behind any democratic nominee who has the best chance at beating the republicans candidate. Not the best chance of beating another democrat. Understand these voting sign up restrictions ,closed primaries, and superdelegates do not exist in the general election. If we lose there is no question it was because of our choice of nominee. These people are not democrats and have no loyalty to the democratic party. If they turn on us we can not hold them responsible. That would be like holding a republican responsible for not voting for a democrat. The truth is Hillary supporters will have to be the ones who throw their support to Bernie Sanders if we want a Democrat in the white house.
This is going to bother the Clinton campaign but she will understand it is about the democratic party and not the member. God help us if Bernie chose to run as an independent and start a new party. He polls well almost equal to Clinton when it comes to Dems 74% for him 75% for her. he also polls around 20% for reps. Hillary around 4% independents some polls have him at 88% Hillary gets around 12% there's a reason they don't use primary numbers to help predict general election numbers because they don't work. One more inside shock then I'll leave you alone Most people will think what I'm about to say is completely wrong and I don't understand what I'm talking about but guess what? The super delegates. the reason we have them is not to stop people like Bernie sanders but to stop people like Hillary Clinton from buying their way to democratic nomination when they have little to no chance at winning in the general. The wrong nominee could cost us the white house or even the party. just look at the republicans .I welcome Sanders into our democratic party along with all of his constituents.  Independents always decide which side wins in an election. If people don't stop insulting them for not knowing the ridiculous rules & regulations we have in place, We can kiss the white house goodbye. No candidate has had so much of the independents support. He has become their candidate It would be very easy for him to start his own party. One big enough to challenge either republicans or democrats. 43% of Americans politically identify as independents. Compared to 29% democrats and 26% republicans . http://www.gallup.com/poll/188096/democratic-republican-identification-near-historical-lows.aspx If we don't have them on our side to support the democratic party the republicans will win. Numbers don't lie and the fact is Hillary will not win the white house. Hillary does not poll well against independents or republicans.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Eric Trump son of Real Estate Mogul and presidential hopeful Donald Trump, has a lot of  work on his plate helping his father campaign for the republican nomination. He is constantly traveling  between campaign  H.Q. , rally venues, airports and so on. All this traveling requires him to enlist the services of multiple drivers, but when Antonio Finch heard he would driving Eric Trump from the airport to the hotel and rally being held for his father he was a little surprised. "I thought he would have is own personal driver 24/7 " Antonio replied
Antonio jumped at the chance to drive such a prestigious socialite around. He had been considering giving his vote to trump but still had some reservations. when he arrived to pick up  Eric there were 3 other men who appeared to be bodyguards and an older women who appeared to be some sort of assistant to Donald Trump. As he introduced himself and opened the door they barely made eye contact before slipping into the stretch limousine , until the last man to enter shut the door for the others and immediately spun Antonio around forcing him up against the car while frisking him. "I wasn't completely surprised I thought they might ask some questions or check for weapons so when they did I went along with a smile on my face" However once Antonio got inside behind the wheel he could sense the animosity in the air. Only it had nothing to do with him. "I figured they were just stressed from the campaign" Turns out they were more than stressed, they were straight up angry. Why? Trump was way ahead of every other republican nominee. What could be causing so much distress he wondered. Then like a bolt of lighting the ball dropped and Antonio realized exactly what the problem was. Eric was on the phone complaining  to someone when all of a sudden he launched his phone across the limo smacking the divider window with it. Antonio rolled down the window to inquire if there was something he might need to take care of. As soon as the window was cracked he could hear the yelling. and the first thing he heard was Eric screaming at the older women saying.
 "IF SANDERS WINS WERE FUCKED! which at first didnt seem to make to much sense. As he pulled up to the rally. He parked jumped out and opened the door again letting everyone out. Antonio slid back into the drivers seat kicked his feet up and got comfortable for the next two hours while he waited for the rally to end. Sitting in the car by himself he did what everybody does in that situation. He got on his phone and started checking his social media sites. And by chance  came across a national poll conducted by a reputable news outlet. Interestingly enough it was a poll on who would win in a head to head match in the general election.

It was a colored bar graph with a clear winner in bright green. But something didn't look right. As he pulled the phone closer to his face he could see something that connected all the dots in a single second. Trump and Clinton were almost in a dead tie in a head to head match up.
So who was this candidate that dominated Trump in a head to head match up? He glanced down at the name which said: BERNIE SANDERS. Instantly it all made sense. "He is worried of sanders winning the democratic nomination" Antonio said. At this point Antonio was quite curious about this man. They only thing he knew about him was he is a socialist with a catch phrase like trumps "make America great again"  only his was "feel the bern" as he sat for the next two hours searching away on every piece of info he could find on Bernie Sanders. What happened next is a story thats been playing out all across America. Antonio felt the bern! "I have never seen such a person run for President before. Every decision , every vote, every time was the correct one. I knew this man was not just a good man. He was a great man. and from that moment I decided that will pledge my vote , my time and my money to only one candidate Bernie Sanders!" As the so called bern took effect he sat up right put the wheel back in position spun  the limo in the dirt and gravel road in a 180 kicking up dust and rocks in the air causing the crowd to look at him. He lowered his window stuck his head out and yelled FEEL THE BERN!! VOTE BERNIE SANDERS! and left them all behind.                                                                                                                                                                                ktvx news A.Z.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

  1. I struggle with the thought of a trump / clinton race. So this is what it has come too? The end of democracy? We've allowed this to happen by our own individual greed . Is Money worth more than the soul of our country?Clinton is bought and paid for by rich corporate billionaires
     and trump is a rich corporate   billionaire who buys politicians. What the fuck is wrong with us? We have the greatest candidate to ever run for president, but instead you let the media and corporate America convince you that  sanders  is not electable. Everyone who supports     bernie have one thing in common?we did our own research.  no      news channel, no propaganda ,no hear say. we   simply looked at the facts and all  came to the same     conclusion. This man is not only the best kind of candidate. He's the best kind of man. I didn't   think people like him even existed. he is a  better man  than I could ever hope to be. But our entire government is only there for one thing. MONEY.
    They dont want to get elected because they care about this country. The want money and power thats it. But bernie is different. He truly doesn't care about money. He only cares about other people. And although he has always  stood alone he has also stood for the weak who could not stand. He spoke for the ones who could not speak. he fought for those who could not fight! He has been the lone voice in congress
     and the  Senate standing up for the right thing. He told everyone not to deregulate wall.st in fear of an epic financial collapse.
    He begged the senate and the president not  to invade a country that has not   attacked us as a pre emptive strike to what they might try to do to us  in the future with weapons   they don't have. He was worried it would destabilize that country and bring about extremist groups fighting for control.  
    He screamed when the supreme  court ruled in  favour of citizens united . but as usual his cries fell on ears so stuffed with cash they can't even hear the price they agreed on. This entire race is is centered around bernie sanders and people who get all their news  from  mainstream media have no clue about this. So allow me to explain. No candidate was talking about    money corrupting  politics or single payer health insurance  or free tuition for school. Ending the NSA's ability to spy on us. Breaking up the big banks. And making the corporations pay their fair share(as of now they pay 0 and still get million dollar tax refunds)

     but as soon as word spread that their was this man actually telling the truth. With the best voting record in the Senate and a background cleaner than a preachers sheets on sunday. Every time they fish for dirt on  him he always comes out clean. Hell, he's even got clean dirt. I call it clirt.
    This got ever body worked up on both sides. And now whatever their platform was before is now over. they all have a new platform  now. Bernie's  platform. So of course hillary and trump jumped on that as soon as they could. But now their acting like it was them who started this platform like it was their plan and people believe it because they are told to believe it.  but the media does every sneaky thing it can to down play it but that is the truth. Think about it 15 million individual contributions has never been done before.  15 million, but the media downplays it. The largest crowd in campaign history (100,000)
    the media downplays it. the biggest upset in primary history and the media downplays it.  The future looks dark but Bernie's so bright I got to wear shades.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Ellora and Ajanta cave: Mysteries from the first time. written by:benemund3 ancient alien.

"There is an ancient legend among the Hindus of India that tells of a civilization of immense beauty beneath central Asia. Several underground cities are said to be located north of the Himalayan Mountains, possibly in Afghanistan, or under the Hindu Kush.
This subterranean Shangri-la is inhabited by a race of golden people who seldom communicate with the surface world. From time to time, they travel into our land through tunnels that stretch in many directions. Entrances to the tunnels are believed to be hidden in several of the ancient cities of the Orient. Tunnel entrances are said to be in Ellora and the Ajanta caverns in the Chandore Mountain range of India."

The caves are located in the Indian state of Maharashtra, near Jalgaon, just outside the village of Ajinṭhā  20°31′56″N 75°44′44″E , about 59 kilometers from Jalgaon railway station on the Delhi – Mumbai line of the Central Railway zone , and 104 kilometers from Aurangabad . They are 100 kilometers from the Ellora Caves, which contain Hindu and Jain temples as well as Buddhist caves, the last dating from a period similar to Ajanta.
The Ajanta caves are cut into the side of a cliff that is on the south side of a U-shaped gorge on the small river Waghora (or Wagura), and although they are now along and above a modern pathway running across the cliff they were originally reached by individual stairs or ladders from the side of the river 35 to 110 feet below


There's no technology on Earth, capable to cave these high detailed giant temples out of entire mountains, with surgical precision. Most of them were carved from a single piece of rock. Might the Ajanta caves had been constructed with the aid of advanced alien technology as ancient astronaut theorists believe? If so, might they also had been considered sacred by the locals because of their connection to early extraterrestrial visitors?
Many ancient astronaut theorists look at the stupa and say it’s a symbolic reference from the power of light. Many times are symbolically shown with a young Buddha placed in there and it almost looks like he could be manipulating some type of controls within the stupa. The stupas were always used as a, as a way for Buddha to ascend or descend in to the heavens. And he does see stupas in this art work very possibly saying that the Buddha was going into space. This may be a very real event. These facts scare the mainstream researchers.

The knowledge of Thoth/Enoch implies humans are meant to evolve beyond our present terrestrial form, as the Bible tells us, "We may become greater than angels". The Egyptians record stories of the "Star Walkers",
occasional individuals who, like Enoch, travelled "beyond the Great Eye of Orion" and returned, to walk like gods amongst men. Despite the bleaching of semi-divine beings from modern consciousness, could it be possible, as the ancient texts insist, we are destined to "become as gods"? Are the Mayan "Lords of Light" and the Egyptian/Tibetan "Shining Ones" really a higher form of human? Is this why the elite ones have kept their work secret from us. Is this why archeologist have kept secrets of this wonderful race from us. Is this, why they do not divulge the truth to us on our creation and evolution history? Are they saving this information only for them? Questions yet to be answered